Monday 3 December 2007

Year 13- 3 Dec Classwork / Homework

This must be complete for next lesson. Wednesday 5th December

You must collect roles from me.

Kritina: Reed Weavers
Pam: Local Family members
Lauren: Farmer

Look at Activity 2.22

Your role ben please read through it and think about what you can change to help impacts on ecology and suggest possible changes

Ben: The Fisherman from the lake

We need to catch fish to supplement our diet with protein
Our families are growing in size and so tha amount of fish we need to catch has gone up too
We need to catch fish to sell in the local market so that we can purhase tools and basic commodites
There seem to be fewer fish around and they seem to be getting smaller
There are many more fisherman around than before, many of whom havw come from other parts of Madagascar affected by drought and poverty.

Thursday 29 November 2007

Year 13 biology

Mock exam is on 12th December. Topic 5 and 6

Year 12 Biologist Mock Exam

You Mock exam is on tuesday 4th December. Complete some revision over the weekend

Monday 26 November 2007

Work missed 26th November

For those who did not attend today's lesson- the work you have missed is the following

1. Purple box on page 87- Listing all treatments for CF
2. Activity 2.18- Gene therapy
Two flow digrams on viruses and lisosomes